Friday, January 23, 2009

Choice of Destiny 015

Stochastic Destiny Principle

G: Today, we wanted to discuss the relationship between your concept of God and your concept of the Principle of Stochastic Dynamic Destiny Process.
S: Yes. In my concept of God, there are three elements: Infinite Existence, Finite Existence and Transformation. Now, Infinite existence is the cause of transformation and all Finite Existence. But Infinite Existence is not affected by Transformation. Transformations are also Finite Existence.
G: It may be useful to re-state why you say so.
S: All right. Infinite Existence is formless but exists behind all forms and Transformations. Atman (Infinite Existence) exists in everything, every form perceived by human body, all senses, mind and intellect. That is a fundamental assumption (this assumption itself is a finite existence in the form of a concept or idea). O.K.

G: Yes, this is O.K. But you admit that the concept of Infinite Existence is itself a Finite Existence. And, still you have no problem?
S: Yes, I have no problem. Because all that emerges from human mind and thought are Finite Existence. So all my three elements of Infinite Existence, Finite Existence and Transformation are concepts. As concepts they are Finite Existences, but the elements these concepts are referring to are not all Finite Existences. Infinite Existence is not Finite Existence. It remains everywhere all the time as a constant, formless limitless enveloping entity. Conceptually, there could be a time point when the entire creation could consist of Infinite Existence only as nothing is under any transformation. So dealing with the Finite concepts to explain Infinite Existence causes no problem. You may tomorrow define Creation in a different manner and no body will remember the concepts I have been using. So, all concepts are subject to change by Transformation. But that does not mean that we cannot try to understand the Creation using the concepts that are part of the Creation. It’s a closed, but infinite, system in which we have to operate.
G: Seems that I have understood what you are trying to convey. Let me accept that and you proceed further.
S: All Transformations and all forms are Finite existences. All forms are subject to Transformations that destroy some forms to give rise to new forms. Is that O.K?
G: Yes. Go on.
S: Now, consider all forms. There is infinite number of forms. There is also infinite number of Transformations. At any point of time, infinite number of Transformations (processes) is acting on infinite number of Forms and Transformations. All right?
G: Yes. Proceed.
S: Some of these transformations are interrelated. A person meets with an accident. His son then comes from abroad to visit his father. The accident was caused by truck. The truck driver gets arrested. The foreign airline got a passenger who booked the ticket at the last moment. The hospital doctors and nurses got ready to amputee the father’s legs. The news got published in the morning paper. Some friends of the person became sad. Numerous interconnected things or finite existences occur. How do we explain them?
G: You explain.
S: Do these finite existences happen without any reason? What causes them? Maybe there is no reason. In that case, these are chance occurrences. But they happen again and again. Therefore, we are led to believe that these are the results of one or more stochastic processes. Maybe there are reasons why the finite existences appear. But we do not know the reasons. In that case, the reasons are of definitive nature or stochastic nature. Mind you, the reasons themselves are finite existences. We may try to find out reasons behind reasons. Maybe we arrive at the ultimate unique reason / cause. But the question remains what is the cause of the cause. It’s never ending. So, until we have solved this cause and effect chain puzzle, we would tend to assume a stochastic process generating these sequences of causes and effects (all finite existences).
G: Do you mean to say therefore that whatever happens in the Creation is the result of an unknown stochastic process and not the time path of a complex but deterministic model of cause and effect?
S: I suspect so. I have not yet been able to think out how a deterministic model would be able to explain the entire time path of the Creation. But that is not the reason why I believe in stochastic destiny principle. Here destiny is defined as the time sequence of the form and content of a single finite existence or a series of finite existences that are thought of as forming a single finite existence. Each moment a person is changing and therefore the person can be thought of different persons (a series of finite existences) or as a time profile of a longer duration single finite existence till the person dies. I hope you understand what I mean by destiny. It is the time sequence of the state of physical, emotional and mental condition of a person, the behavior and actions of the person along with the external events affecting the person.
G: And, you say that these states are in some sense random variables. Therefore, the destiny process is stochastic.
S: Yes, I know that these states may not be finite and may not be assigned a single value or number. I may not talk about probability distributions in the usual sense. Yet, for at given point there are alternative destiny outcomes with different chances of their actually materializing. Thus, from the perspective of an individual human being (for that matter any form of finite existence), the future or destiny is nothing but a stochastic process whose parameters are unknown. I suspect the discipline of astrology based on the time of birth is an attempt to chart destiny is some kind of an effort at estimating the parameters of the stochastic process.
G: I thought astrology believes in deterministic destiny.
S: I do not think so. Indian astrology linking destiny to time and place of birth is not necessarily a deterministic model. People born at the same time and same place may have different destinies. Because while the time and place remains the same, the transformation process implied by the birth may not be same. The parents are not the same. Indian astrology obviously believes in destiny. Destiny cannot be changed does not mean that it is known or predictable with certainty. So, from the point of view of an individual living being or finite existence, the transformation process yields a time profile of future happenings that are not known with certainty. If one wishes to predict one can indicate only likelihood or probability of alternative outcomes in the future, or even make conditional forecasts based on conditional probabilities.
S: Fine. I have now some idea as to how your Stochastic Dynamic Destiny Principle is related to your concept of God in terms of Finite Existence, Infinite Existence and Transformation Process. In fact, they are but the sides of the same coin.
G: You are right. Everything is after all God.

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