Friday, January 23, 2009

Choice of Destiny 010

Continuous Stochastic Destiny Process

G: We were to find out why destiny is not deterministic but stochastic?
S: For me, an element or thing or entity or living being in the Universe does not really have a distinguishing independent existence except for infinitesimal moment of time. When you see dust particles do you distinguish among different particles and name each of them? You do not. You may at best classify them into different categories only. Yet different particles travel to different destinations. No destiny is really written nor is required to be written for each particle. The entire thing in which we see dust particles or human beings or the planets and stars are nothing but an umbrella of stochastic dynamic process for each dust particle, each being, each planet and each star and each anything. The state of each thing is always changing whether you can observe that change or not. In this transformation each thing is transformed into a different thing in less than nanosecond. So we are unable to measure or perceive this continuous transformation. In such continuous transformation, what we give names to are only ad-hoc parts/ phases of the transformation process. The baby that came out of the mother’s womb, you may name it Basudeb Sen and you keep the name Basudeb Sen till he dies although each moment we have seen a different human being in Basudeb Sen because of continuous transformation. In reality, therefore, there cannot be a single Basudeb Sen for 50 or 85 or 100 years. What we have given name as Sun is an entity that is continuously changing over million years. It does not make sense to give such names. Yet we do because we are destined to do like that as part of the same stochastic dynamic process. When you really realise that this is what is the reality, you lose your identity with a name or with any particular phase of that process /sub-process that you are destined to observe with your senses. When you lose such identity, what remains is the stochastic dynamic process. That is God. That is where all names, space and time get submerged. That is what I and you and all things in the Universe are. It is in that sense we are all God and therefore we are all equal. But till we (self) realise this ultimate truth, no two things are equal in our senses: so we say Sun is bigger than the earth, someone is elder to me, ice is colder than water, waves are smaller than the ocean, Einstein is superior to me, women are mothers, everything is different from everything else. We are destined to see everything differently by name, space and time because our senses are part of the integrated stochastic dynamic process that creates this property in us. At some point of time within the process, the self realises that this differentiation by name, space and time is an illusion or Maya. And the self, at that point, becomes what it actually is - it is nothing but the power or the rule that binds the entire Universe.
G: The “Almighty” is “Destiny”! And, yet we may have some choice?
S: Maybe Almighty is same as Destiny. Or, maybe they are not the same. I do not know. For me, it is only the Power or Rule that is inherent in that what I observe and describe this power as a continuous stochastic dynamic process. This process is what always existed. All the rest including the concepts of Almighty, God, Destiny, Man, Sun, Moon, smile, law of gravitation, advancement of science, war, love, hatred - everything are only transient manifestation of that Power. What we mean by choice is nothing but an observed relationship between what some persons did and the effect of that. This is no real choice. We had no control over what we did in the past or what happened in the past. What happens now or in the future are conditional upon choices we make now. All so called choices are all the result of the stochastic dynamic process arising out of that Great Power of which we as yet not been destined to know much.
G: So, what appears as choices made by us is really not a choice but a destined event/ action.
S: You are right: we have no choice whatsoever. That I say all this you have heard in this conversation, is not by my choice: it is because I am destined to say this now. Similarly, the person who says that there is a choice is only destined to say so. He really does not have any choice to say anything different.
G: The God or Almighty or Nature, which has control over everything, is only an imagination or idea created by us.
S: You are right. All concepts of God or Almighty or Nature or whatever else, are mere human imaginations. But what we imagine is what we are destined to imagine. What I refer as the Principle of Great Stochastic Dynamic Process is also imagination, which was destined to take place. No one has so far been destined to write down any equation for this process or its sub-processes. Yes, the equations for small sub-sub-sub processes equations have been written down. But the writing down of equations for small sub- processes is itself a part of the Great Stochastic Dynamic Destiny process. The equations for the Brownian motion, gravitation law, the orbit of the Saturn, the path of a tornado, the path of an airplane, the path of a space craft, the path of sound waves or light – all these were part of a processes of stochastic destiny. There discoveries and their applications in the advancement of technology are also part of the destiny process. No scientific discovery or technological breakthrough has happened because of the choice or independent efforts of Man. All that Man did in science and technology as well as in arts and religion was destined to happen at points of time determined by the destiny principle.
G: Why do you say ‘stochastic’ and not deterministic, destiny principle? Destiny can only be deterministic.
S: Stochastic process is a process in which the outcomes of the future are not fixed with certainty. It is not like that if I am at a state of sleep at 6-30 AM in the morning, I will be awake after some time, say 6-35 AM next. It is like this: I am at sleep at 6-30 AM and the probability of my being awake at 6-31 is x<1, at 6-32 is y<1, at 6-35 is z <1, and so on. No outcome in future is certain or has probability = 1 or 100% chance of occurrence. In other words, many outcomes are possible but with different probabilities, each probability is less than unity. It is also possible that the nature of stochastic process itself may gradually change over time. The only thing that seems certain is the power underlying the stochastic process. This is the power we often refer to as God, Almighty or Nature. Since it is certain, it is the only thing that exists, while all other things that we can see or feel or perceive or conceive of, are temporary phenomenon in relation to the vast expanse of time. Even if I know that a child grows into an Adult with the passage of time, we cannot say with certainty which child will become an adult and which will die before becoming an adult. That is why all our forecasts about anything in future are probabilistic in Nature. It is unlikely that the outcomes at different points of time in a future second, minute, hour, day, year, decades, century have been pre-determined or fixed by some one or by the process that the whole universe and its infinite constituents is undergoing. The process itself is such that the outcomes that it generates over time are not ex-ante pre-fixed. Each possible outcome has less than 100% chance of occurring.
G: I guess what you are saying that the destiny or fate is not written down or fixed by any rule or any god or any power. All future outcomes are determined by the Great Process, of which we know very little.
S: What happened in the past is the manifestation of the process; knowledge of the past may help understand the relationships of different simultaneous and inter-temporal happenings in the past in a scientific, deterministic way or empirical, probabilistic way. But nothing is certain. We know if you throw a ball up it will come down. But when you actually throw a ball, it may not come down, throw the probability of the ball coming down is very high indeed. Out of the many times you actually try to throw a ball up, you may not be really able to throw it up all the times. Either your hand will get tired, or you will lose grip over the ball and slips down before you throw it up. While the Law of Gravitation rules without fail, in real time the probability of a ball being tossed up in less than unity and the ball may go up at times to get stuck in a tree or a terrace. The Dynamic Process of destiny is a process that encompasses all Laws of Physical Sciences but also the calendar time path of all events. You may toss an unbiased coin. Although the probability of a head is 0.5, the first eleven tosses in real time may show up the tail.
G: But all these still leave scope for Man to deal with probabilities and uncertainties.
S: Yes, Man does deal with them given whatever knowledge he has. But that Man does so now and does in the manner he does now is only the manifestation of the Grand Principle of Stochastic Dynamic Destiny Process implicit in the Great Power that we sometimes call God or Nature.
G: You mean to say whatever Man did in the past, is doing now and will do in the future is not of Man’s doing of independent choice and effort but the manifestation of the Grand Process of destiny you are referring to.
S: Yes, exactly. Man has no choice of his own. He is bound to do what the Process implies at all times. That he thinks that he has made choices and doing things is also a manifestation of the same process. This includes what I am saying now and what goes on in your questioning mind.
G: But Man has made great strides in science and technology. In the last 100 years we have gone to the stars, produced clones of animals, brought comfort to man’s life. See the progress of information technology, telecommunications, biotechnology and genetics.
S: All that Man has done during the last 100 years or ever since recorded history and before is only as per the destiny principle. Man did not and could invent computers in 2000 BC, as that was not part of the destiny process. The history of science and technology is also a part of the process of stochastic destiny.
G: Then what is the meaning of saying that Man is the best creation of the God or Nature?
S: Everything has only one meaning. We say what we are destined to say. Otherwise, if Man is the supreme creation, whom do we say that we are the great? Only to us, Man. The dogs, the Sun, the trees and the rivers are not listening and appreciating that saying as we do.
G: If we have really no choice but acting over time only in accordance with certain principles or processes, we are no different from animals or water or trees.
S: We are no different. All are the same. That is what Sanatana Dharma is all about.
G: Then as human beings we have no goals of our own.
S: There is one and only one goal or destiny and that will always be achieved: we pursue what we are destined to pursue. We are pursuing continuous transformation of body, mind, soul, appearance, intellect and knowledge over time as per the Great Stochastic Dynamic Process. This is the meaning of repeated cycles of beginning in God, staying in God and ending in God only to begin again.
G: All you say therefore is tautological and so simple. There is no complicated science or high-level spiritualism in all that you say.
S: You are absolutely right. The ultimate Truth can only be tautological and simple. The process of arriving at the Truth and then realising this Truth all the time is the only complicated, long and probably never-ending process.
G: Shall we ever remain bonded in the process?
S: The real answer to this question is simultaneously Yes and No. Yes, because nothing exists that is beyond this process. No, because we, as the manifestation of that process, along with the process itself are nothing but the Great Power we call God. As God, it is our will that created and maintains the Great Process. It is we who have created all sciences and knowledge, and all, concepts including the concepts of Nature, God, Power and the Principle of Stochastic Dynamic Destiny Process. So, we are not bound by it. But all knowledge and concept we have acquired are true only if we are bound by it.
G: This is pinnacle of tautology.
S: My dear G, beloved God, my respected Guru, what other pinnacle can S, that is I as your Sishya (disciple), Sen by surname, my sole Self, am capable of reaching!

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