Friday, January 23, 2009

Choice of Destiny 013

Existence and Transformation

S: We were to discuss Creation. Creation is existence. The Fundamental Axiom of Existence explains this. According to this Law “ something that exists (whether perceived/ perceivable or not) is a form of manifestation, or transformation, or un-manifest condition of something/s that existed earlier, or is something that always existed ”.
G: But this does not explain much.
S: Yes. Before that you may note some corollaries to this Axiom. These help understand the Axiom better. First, ‘Nothing can be created out of nothing”. There is no magic in the Creation.
Second, “ Non-existence of something is the due to the emergence of something else into existence”. Third, “ Destruction is the other name of creation; for nothing can be destroyed without giving rise to the emergence of existence of something else. In other words, Creation is the cause and consequence of destruction and vice versa”.
Fourth, “Nothing in this Creation is fundamentally new”.
G: These corollaries help drive the point that Creation is a self-sustaining never-ending system of which Creator is an integral part. But I still need elaboration of the Fundamental Axiom of Existence requires extensive elaboration.
S: I agree. Let me try this elucidation. First, let us consider those things whose existence we can perceive by our body, senses, minds and intellect directly or with the help of instruments like telescopes, microscopes, computer and other instruments. All these things are only a manifestation of transformation of something that existed earlier. Say for example, a beautiful building. It is made out of things like brick, mortar or iron or steel or wood or cement that existed in the past. In turn brick is a transformation of clay and fire/heat of the past. Similar is the case with other materials that goes into making a building. The building is designed to be beautiful. So the building is also a transformation or manifestation of a design by a human brain/ imagination. But the design in turn is a transformation of a thought in the human mind. The thought in turn is the transformation of a need for shelter or a concept of beauty or the knowledge of the principles of physical sciences that preceded the design of the building.
G: It seems that I understand what you are saying. All material things and also thoughts and emotions are transformation of certain things that existed already. So there is always a change of form, there is nothing new. This is true of coal and petroleum underground, the computer, the inter-net technology, the earth, the sun, the planets, everything.
But, how do you explain a man or a tree or an animal?
S: They are, of course, the result of a reproduction process and therefore linked to something that existed before as a man and women, as seed, or egg, or sperm or seed or flower and so on. Even a man of today is a transformation of the man of yesterday. The human race as a whole has come through an evolutionary process. Nothing is new.
G: I understand that you can in the same way show that all chemicals, all physical forces, rains, clouds, sunshine, all scientific and social theories, all concepts in different disciplines, all analytical tools, all new technologies, new paintings, new music compositions, all discoveries, all emotions are nothing but transformation or manifestations of some thing or some things that existed in the past. Fine, but what about life?
S: Life is also the same: a product of the past in the physical and biological sense. You may say there is something that goes away when death comes. Death is recognized when a living body stops functioning altogether permanently. It is another transformation. It would also help if at this stage I introduce the Fundamental Axiom of Non-existence. According to this axiom, anything that does not exist, it must have given rise to the emergence of existence of something else. For example, if life does not exist in a body, then it has given rise to the existence of corpse. If light is not in existence, it gives rise to the existence of darkness. If were to visualize that the entire universe and beyond did not have any light at any point of time, it would mean all light has been absorbed in darkness and darkness is what exists. So light only transforms into darkness. Transformation is an integral part of the Creation.
G: What is Transformation?
S: According to the Fundamental Observation of Transformation, a process resulting in a change of form and properties is Transformation. A transformation process exists and is the result of one or more transformation process/es that exist or existed or always exist.
G: What does always exist?
S: We are in search of that. But note that: “ That which always exists is ever present in all that exists and all that is currently non-existent”. It is in this sense that Creator is, has been and will be always an integral part of the Creation.
G: Sorry to interrupt. What happens to the spirit?
S: Hold on for a while. We will take up this question shortly. Before that let us note the Fundamental Observation of Infinite Existence: “ That which always exists is infinite,, ageless, omni-present everywhere (in all forms, all transformations and even in those that are non-existent) all throughout time”. Infinite Existence is therefore formless, not restricted by space and time, and is unaffected by the processes of transformation. Yet it is the Infinite Existence that is the source of all limitless and continuous transformation.
G: All this seems to become abstract and complicated.
S: Yes, it may seem so. But it is really not so. It is straightforward and simple. Apply these concepts and trace anything that you see overtime backwards and forward. All Finite Existence transforms into other Finite Existences or into Infinite Existence. Non-existence resulting from transformation of Finite Existence is a part of Infinite Existence. Further, whatever is not known to be in existence is either as yet undiscovered finite existence or part of Infinite Existence.
G: I need help of examples.
S: Yes, you do. Take the case of the storage battery. As a battery it has a finite existence. But whatever was there in the battery form sooner or later got transformed into different things/ works/ processes. But do all constituents of the battery get transformed? We do not know. The assumption is that there is something that gets passed on through transformation without being affected. That something is part of everything that exists and does not exist. Or, just consider the transformation of death of an animal. Some physical form of bodily existence comes to an end and further transformation of decay leads to emergence of some other physical existence of finite period. But death does not transform something that always existed and that is a part of everything. Material things, substances, bodies, forms, ideas, names, thoughts, feelings, identities, stars, egs, sound, light, darkness, attitudes, temptations – all these are part of Finite Existence. Infinite Existence exists simultaneously as an envelop with all Finite Existences.
G: Is this thing that always exists, the one of Infinite Existence, called spirit or soul?
S: What is spirit or soul? These are conceptual constructs. Some people believe in their existence and some do not. As a concept, they owe their origin to some concepts that existed before or represent vacuum/gap in understanding life. This gap is transformed into a concept. Now if spirit does indeed exist, it is either a manifest or un-manifest condition of something that existed before. Someone calls this Atman and therefore says that Atman existed always. Atman was never born, never faced death and never changed. It is a thing that can never be seen. It can manifest itself into something else (that is, its presence can be felt in something else). It is infinite and so on.

G: Fine. Do you accept that Atman exists?
S: I will put this differently. The Fundamental Law of existence itself defines Atman or God. This Law defines the existence of all things, whether perceived or not by human beings. You cannot show anything that defies that Fundamental Law. That Law is God; that Law defines the entire Creation. The Creator and the Creation is the result of that Law. Do not ask who created that Law. For the Law itself defines the creation of all things including the Law itself. Creator is fully reflected in the Creation comprising all Finite Existences and Infinite Existence. But Infinite Existence is the source of all Finite Existences. Fundamentally, something basic to all in the creation existed all along the time whether we can perceive that or not. That is my God. If it can transform in so many numerous ways, expand or contract, grow mega-size or reduce to nano-size, it has enormous power. Such enormous power can reside in manifest form or un-manifest condition in anything that exists.
G: Fine. What do you do with such a God? You know this God as you explained. So, what are you implying when you say that you are trying to explore un-manifest God?

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